WSCO Staff Directory
WSCO Staff Directory
Departmental Directory
Admissions | 740-568-1900 | |
Business Office | 740-568-1905 | ext. 1301 |
Barnes & Noble | 740-568-1907 | ext. 1356 |
Center for Stu. Success | 740-568-1913 | ext. 2502 |
Human Resources | 740-885-5622 | ext. 1111 |
Information Technology | 740-885-5685 | ext. 1178 |
Library | 740-568-1914 | |
Records Office | 740-568-1904 | ext. 1204 |
Student OneStop | 740-568-1900 |
Department Search Abbreviation Reference
ACCT | Accounting |
ADTS | Automotive & Diesel Trk Sys |
ARTS | Art |
AUTO | Automotive |
BIOL | Biology |
BUSM | Business Management |
BUSO | Business Office |
CFOF | Chief Financial Officer |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CIOF | Chief Information Office |
COED | Continuing Education |
CRJU | Criminal Justice |
DANC | Dance |
DEBE | Dean of Business, Eng & Indust |
DEHS | Dean of Health & Sciences |
DEVE | Developmental Studies |
DIGT | Digital Technology |
DIST | Distance Learning |
ECON | Economics |
EDUC | Education |
ELET | Electrical Engineering |
ENGL | English |
FOUN | WSCO Foundation |
HIST | History |
HLTH | Health Science, General |
HUMN | Humanities |
HURE | Human Resources |
INDT | Industrial Technology |
LERC | Learning Center |
LIBR | Library |
MATH | Mathematics |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering |
MISC | Miscellaneous Elective Credit (Dual Enrollment) |
MKTG | Marketing & Sales |
MMLT | Medical Laboratory Technology |
MOOH | Motorycle Ohio |
MSGT | Massage Therapy |
MUSC | Music |
NADN | Nursing Associate Degree |
NOCC | NC Occupational (non-credit) |
NPNT | Nursing Education Practical |
OAST | Office Administrative Services |
PERK | Perkins Grant |
PHED | Physical Education |
PHYS | Physics |
POLS | Political Science |
PRES | President |
PSYC | Psychology |
PTAT | Physical Therapy Asst Tech |
PTOP | Plant Operations & Maintenance |
RADT | Radiologic Technology |
REGI | Registrar |
RESP | Respiratory Therapy |
SOSV | Social Services |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPCH | Speech |
STSE | Student Services |
TEPR | Tech Prep |
TSRC | Talent Search |
UPBD | Upward Bound |
WELD | Welding |
WFDD | Workforce Development |